
SNV's results-based financing approach at international solar conference

SNV's results-based financing approach at international solar conference

Energy expert Inga Brill will present on SNV’s achievements in applying a results-based financing approach to aid market development at the upcoming Unlocking Solar Capital Africa Event.

About the event

This annual event which is organised by GOGLA and Solarplaza will take place on the 16-17 October in Dakar Senegal and will bring together hundreds of representatives from development banks, investment funds, solar developers, IPPs, EPCs & other stakeholders. Over 350 delegates will gather to engage in extensive discussions to solve Africa’s solar energy funding gap - and get projects realized. To see the full agenda please click here.

Public funding to grow markets

The panel will discuss the role of public funding in financing business, innovation and growth and looks at countries that have leveraged the use of public funds to grow into difficult markets or launch R&D for newer products. The session will examine cases where public funding has a catalytic effort to spur market growth and Public funding stimulating private capital flows into economies.

To illustrate where public funding has grown difficult markets Inga will use the example of an SNV implemented RBF for off-grid solar for market development in Tanzania. This project which was funded by Energising Development (EnDev) aims to improve market access to and use of quality pico-solar devices for rural and off-grid households.

Where and when?

The panel discussion will form part of the off-grid stream. See below for more details:

  • Date: October 16th

  • Time: 11:30 AM

RBF Tanzania

Central to the programme is the RBF facility which is a partnership between the banking sector and suppliers, making available the necessary financial support for the development of the value chain. In terms of results between 2014-and 2018 the project achieved:

  • 394,000 people with access to clean energy services

  • 940 new jobs created

  • 1.89 Million EUR transacted in RBF Incentive Payments to the Private Sector

The RBF facility focuses on the application of a temporary financial product in mainstream banking that serves to assist the private sector in developing the market for pico-solar products (lanterns, phone chargers and small solar home lighting kits) in rural areas of Tanzania's Lake Victoria Zone. This is one of two projects being implemented by SNV as part of the EnDev Tanzania programme, the other being Tanzania Improved Cookstoves (TICS).

To learn more

To find out more about our RBF approach and related projects, please visit our RBF Tanzania project page.