Apiculture Scale-up Programme for Income and Rural Employment

The Apiculture Scale-up Programme for Income and Rural Employment (ASPIRE) aims to contribute to poverty reduction in rural areas of Ethiopia through establishing a dynamic and sustainable apiculture sector.
The Apiculture Scale-up Programme for Income and Rural Employment (ASPIRE) aims to contribute to poverty reduction in rural areas of Ethiopia through establishing a dynamic and sustainable apiculture sector.
In consortium with the Ethiopian Apiculture Board, Enclude and ProFound ASPIRE strengthens the capacity of smallholder beekeepers and their cooperatives in 52 woredas of Ethiopia. Building on the results of Business Organisations and Access to Markets (BOAM) project (2008-2012) the project intends to increase the incomes of 30,000 smallholder beekeepers and their families and establish the country as a significant exporter of bees' products, specifically honey, beeswax, pollen and propolis.
To contribute towards creating a dynamic apiculture sector, ASPIRE:
Promotes technologies to improve productivity and quality at the smallholders level
Facilitates access to finance for the value chain participants by setting up Guarantee Fund (AGF) for loans;
Strengthens the Ethiopian Apiculture Board (EAB), Ethiopian Honey and Beeswax Producers and Exporters Association (EHBPEA), and Ethiopian Beekeepers Association (EBA) to sustain the sector’s competitiveness;
Supports private sector companies to create market opportunities for beekeepers;
Enhances linkages between producer groups and honey processors and other purchasers, including international buyers;
Develops and shares knowledge and experience in supporting research and research institutions, knowledge sharing forum.