Biogas Programme - Nepal

Over the years, 250,000 domestic biogas digesters have been constructed by local private companies in Nepal alone and the model developed in Nepal inspired biogas domestic biogas interventions in other Asian and African countries.
Over the years, 250,000 domestic biogas digesters have been constructed by local private companies in Nepal alone and the model developed in Nepal inspired biogas domestic biogas interventions in other Asian and African countries.
The Government of Nepal with SNV Nepal’s support initiated the Biogas Support Programme in 1992. BSP-N was established in 2003 through the support of SNV and strengthened to further develop and disseminate the use of biogas as a low cost and sustainable energy source in rural Nepal.
SNV has been strengthening the private sector involved in the biogas sector to help boost and provide quality service to the beneficiaries. Some of the key services provided by SNV are: setting up Quality Management System; strengthen Public Private Partnership; strengthening the private sector to further boost the biogas sector; improved Access to Credit.
In addition to domestic biogas, SNV, together with the Bank of Kathmandu, launched a Biogas for Business (B4B) Project, targeting support for installation of medium to large scale biogas plants for waste-management, energy production and production of organic fertilizer. This UNEP supported project worked on the development of bankable projects and focused on bringing on board commercial loans, promoting productive end-uses of biogas and bio-slurry in business entities, including dairy and pig farms.