Cotton, farmers' organizations and sustainable rural development

Burkina Faso


The goal of this project was to improve the incomes of peasant family cotton farms in a sustainable and equitable manner as well as improve land security and fair individual access to the natural resources of this space.

The goal of this project was to improve the incomes of peasant family cotton farms in a sustainable and equitable manner as well as improve land security and fair individual access to the natural resources of this space.

SNV disseminated and internalized management guidance to family farms through a network of cotton producers’ organisations and supported the identification of corridors for livestock at municipal and cross-border levels, shaped a consensus about shared spaces, organized exchange trips on the CEF and herd management council for Burkina producers in Mali.

SNV Services Provided:

  • Disseminated and internalized management guidance to family farms through a network of cotton producers’ organizations

  • Trained peasant leaders on the council of management in family farms

  • Developed advocacy campaigns about the management of the cotton sector (pricing, debt management) in eight communes of Mali and Burkina Faso on the Council of management of herds

  • Supported the identification of corridors for livestock at municipal and cross-border levels

  • Shaped a consensus about shared spaces

  • Supported the development of a monitoring and evaluation device for organizations

  • Organized an exchange trip on the CEF and herd management council for Burkina producers in Mali


  • Four provincial unions in Burkina Faso and six municipal unions in Mali have adopted a process to develop a technical approach to economic management, ensuring greater productivity and profitability of farms (reasoned choice of speculation and uses of income, stock management, techniques) for the benefit of more of 1,500 farms

  • 350 animators, 35 supervisors and 14 endogenous trainers have built their capacities to better control the process (development of farm accounts, investment planning, inventory management, held notebooks of expenses, development of a balance of campaign)

  • Devices and strategies are in place in both countries to reinforce the management board (27 pastoralists have been trained on an experimental management tool adapted to cotton producers)

  • Monitoring tools were developed (database, follow up for the facilitator and supervisor) and are currently used by supported farms

  • Trans-boundary consultations between Mali and Burkina Faso producers’ organizations identified a need for improved advocacy for producers’ interests and rights, which led to the review of cotton seeds’ purchase price in Burkina and a lengthening of time in credit recovery in Mali

  • Pastoral resources were mapped for livestock in the communes of Sindo and Kayan, Koloko Samorogouan, Tansila, Faramana, ouéleni and Loumana Departments

  • 46 secure internal tracks, 6 cross-border trails, 21 areas of pasture, 37 water points, and four vaccination parks were opened

  • 6 communal resources were mapped

  • Reduction in the number of conflicts related to pastoral resources (conflicts related to exploitation of natural resources, damage to fields dropped sharply and there has been an overall decrease of 83% of disputes handled by the commune)

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