Developing new markets through certified coconut sugar



By cooperating closely with coconut farmers, local implementing partners and district governments in Indonesia, SNV is working on a project that will contribute to a 30% increase in net incomes for 300,000 poor rural female and male farmers.

By cooperating closely with coconut farmers, local implementing partners and district governments in Indonesia, SNV is working on a project that will contribute to a 30% increase in net incomes for 300,000 poor rural female and male farmers.

As organic certification has become a pre-requisite for export of coconut products and is seen as a guarantee of quality, there is significant potential for farmers to increase their incomes by having their products certified. And with farming practices in the project’s target areas largely conforming to organic standards, certification is achievable at low cost and on a relatively short timescale. However, to turn the potential into reality and to access export markets, SNV is working under the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP – PRISMA) programme, in order to improve product quality and processing efficiency.

SNV is targeting the Indonesian coconut sector because of its promising outlook and potential to benefit a significant number of poor, smallholder farmers. SNV will work with international and local partners to increase the income of rural coconut farmers in East Java with an initial focus on two districts.

News and stories


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Indonesia-Australia cooperation to boost coconut & cassava sectors

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Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)