Edible Oilseed Programme

The overall objective of this programme is to increase incomes from oilseeds of 120,000 people/small holder farmers in rural areas.
The overall objective of this programme is to increase incomes from oilseeds of 120,000 people/small holder farmers in rural areas.
Tanzania's economy depends heavily on agriculture, which accounts for 45% of gross domestic product, 80% of employment and 30% of the nation’s foreign exchange earnings. About 85% of country’s poor live in rural areas and rely on agriculture as their primary source of income. However, the sector is underdeveloped due to a weakly developed private sector, agricultural marketing policies which are fragmented and prone to political interference, and poorly managed infrastructure. Development of the sector is critical in efforts to generate income, create employment, reduce and, ultimately, eradicate poverty in the country.
SNV in partnership with Irish Aid are supporting the implementation of the Edible Oilseeds Value Chain Development Programme Tanzania from December 2012 to December 2016. The overall goal of this programme is to improve the livelihoods and wellbeing of smallholder farmers in rural areas by developing the edible oilseeds value chain, in line with the National Vision 2025 and the MKUKUTA II targets, to increase economic growth and reduce poverty in Tanzania.
The programme is expected to contribute to the development of domestic edible oilseeds subsector to make it competitively supply the local, regional and global sunflower oil markets and sesame seed export market, benefiting local processors and producers. The overall objective of this programme is to increase incomes from oilseeds of 120,000 people/small holder farmers in rural areas, both men and women, and to increase employment opportunities of 14,000 people (6,300 women) in the edible oilseeds value chain, especially for rural women and youth. Increased smallholder farmer income levels and increased availability of locally produced edible oilseeds will improve household nutrition and food security.