Environmental Restoration, Renewable Energy, Agriculture and Irrigation


SNV is implementing the Environmental Restoration, Renewable Energy, Agriculture and Irrigation project in the Lenca, Tolupan, and Nahua indigenous communities within the Honduran Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples Programme (or PIAH in Spanish) since

SNV is implementing the Environmental Restoration, Renewable Energy, Agriculture and Irrigation project in the Lenca, Tolupan, and Nahua indigenous communities within the Honduran Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples Programme (or PIAH in Spanish) since October 2016. The project is funded by the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and monitored by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).

The project aims at building capacity to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change and reduce the social and economic vulnerability of the Indigenous and Afro-Honduran peoples.

Below some of the most relevant outcomes achieved to date:

  • A total of 1,240 persons were trained in the areas of rights of indigenous peoples; FPIC processes; collaborative advocacy; adaptation to climate change; production, use and management of biogas and biofertilisers; micro watershed protection and management; natural pine forest regeneration management; agroforestry nurseries; establishment of agroforestry systems; sawing of wood affected by southern pine beetles; cabinet-making and carpentry; installation, maintenance and management of micro-irrigation systems; and protected farming.

  • Thirty-six promoters were trained in topics like the rights of indigenous peoples, FPIC processes, and collaborative advocacy.

  • Strategies for ethno-cultural intervention and adaptation to climate change in indigenous communities were designed and validated.

  • The Nahua Indigenous Federation of Honduras (FINAH, in Spanish) has its own FPIC development protocol, which was socialised at the national level.

  • The Tolupan Tribe, in San Juan de la Montaña de la Flor, successfully socialised their strategy on adaptation to climate change with social organisations from other indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples of Honduras, as well as with government authorities, development organisations, and NGOs.

  • Strategic partnerships were established with government institutions and the private sector.

  • Forty families were trained in the production and use of biogas and bio-fertilisers. Biogas is produced and used in the households, and bio-fertilisers in farming and cattle-ranching activities.

  • Ninety families have family gardens with fruit trees.

  • The boundaries of four micro-watersheds have been defined, and the reforestation and protection processes were initiated in those areas.

  • Two portable sawmill systems were installed.

  • A nursery with capacity to hold 10,000 forest and fruit trees was established.

  • Fifty micro-irrigation and protected farming systems are being installed, thus benefiting equal number of indigenous families.

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