Football for Water (F4W)



The objective is to reach 300,000 pupils in 240 schools in Kenya. Football is used in raising student awareness on the need for adoption of safe WASH services, while WASH partners improve WASH facilities.

The objective is to reach 300,000 pupils in 240 schools. Football is used in raising student awareness on the need for adoption of safe WASH services, while WASH partners improve WASH facilities.

The WASH in Schools programme supports sustainable WASH services within schools, mainly by focussing on research, development and facilitation of business models for WASH management by schools. SNV is a key partner in the Football for Water (F4W) programme implemented by a consortium of several Dutch partners in the 8 Counties of Kilifi, Nakuru, Migori, Kakamega, Kisumu, Trans-nzoia, Mombasa and Kericho.

SNV supports business development and innovation, creating space for private sector participation and policy improvements.

Our donors and partners

Ministry of Water and Natural Resources - Kenya