High Value Agriculture project for Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP)
HVAP is a 6 year market led initiative that seeks to provide income and employment to poor producers, landless and agribusinesses.
HVAP is a 6 year market led initiative that seeks to provide income and employment to poor producers, landless and agribusinesses.
This is achieved through a market-orientated production through reliable service and market relations with private sector. It does so in the high value commodities of off-season vegetables, vegetable seeds, goat meat, apples and the spices ginger, turmeric and timur. The total finance for the project is 18.8M US$, mainly provided by IFAD as a 50% grant/loan agreement. The project is implemented in market clusters along 3 road corridors in the Mid and Far Western Development region.
The Project aims to benefit 13,500 producer households and 1,800 other households directly and 37,000 households indirectly. 60% Women and 25% socially disadvantaged groups are specifically targeted to benefit. The project is implemented in a partnership between the Ministry of Agricultural Development, the Agro-Enterprise Centre and SNV. The implemnetation is done in collaboration with private service providers, agribusinesses, producer groups, district chambers of commerce, NGOs and district agricultural, forest and livestock offices.
SNV implements the Value Chain Component and offers Facilitative Services that enhance private investments in “Market Development and Inclusive Business”. Along the HVAP supported value chains, SNV promotes specific investments in clamate change adaptation and applies innovative tools to enhance food and nutrition security.