HortiFRESH in West Africa

Vegetable and fruit consumption in Ghana is growing rapidly as a result of the country’s sustained economic growth with a burgeoning middle class that is demanding healthy and high quality food. The ability of domestic and regional horticulture sectors to
Vegetable and fruit consumption in Ghana is growing rapidly as a result of the country’s sustained economic growth with a burgeoning middle class that is demanding healthy and high quality food. The ability of domestic and regional horticulture sectors to meet this increasing demand, substitute imports and connect to export markets is hampered by a lack of skills, the over-use of pesticides, food losses and lack of access to credit and commercial markets. At the same time, the sectors in Ghana and Ivory Coast show a strong growth potential and opportunity for private investments.
To establish competitive and professional horticulture markets that contributes to inclusive economic growth and has the capacity to continuously innovate in terms of products and services in Ghana and Ivory Coast, SNV is implementing the HortiFRESH project, in a consortium together with Resilience B.V., Advance Consulting, SENSE and Wageningen University an Research CDI (lead implementer). The HortiFRESH project is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ghana. The project aims to reach 15,000 farmers and increase their productivity by 20% until 2021.
The HortiFRESH project consists of two components: fruits and vegetables. The first focuses on the vegetable sector in Ghana. The second component is focused the fruit sector in Ghana, including regional supply chain dimensions in the surrounding countries. Our objectives include improving productivity in the vegetable sector; facilitating more efficient markets, including linking vegetable producers and other value chain operators with the Dutch private sector; improving the business climate and further professionalizing the value chain for vegetable production and consumption in Africa.
HortiFRESH project will contribute to:
A competitive and innovative high-value fruit and vegetable sector;
An inclusive and sustainable fruit and vegetable sector;
A conducive business climate that facilitates the development of the fruit and vegetable sector.
Project activities include:
Trade missions for trade promotion with the Dutch horticulture private sector including input supply companies, importers, service provider and financial partners
Business platforms, round tables, targeted B2B and matchmaking events for sector actors as well as Horticulture Fairs & Exhibitions
Technical assistance in agronomy and business management
Support facilitating with 6 financing arrangements including cluster funds, youth funds and commercial loans
High-level public private dialogue for a competitive enabling environment
The project also is aiming to increase food and nutrition security, and promote youth employment in the sector. All these activities don’t operate in isolation but reinforce each other, ensuring that the sum is greater than the parts and that sector competitiveness can be increased in a sustainable and lasting way.