Implementing wastewater and faeces sanitation strategic plans

Burkina Faso


SNV in partnership with the National Office for Water and Sanitation (ONEA), supports the municipalities of Dori, Kombissiri, Manga and Ziniaré in the implementation of their Strategic Plans for Wastewater Treatment and excreta.

SNV in partnership with the National Office for Water and Sanitation (ONEA), supported the municipalities of Dori, Kombissiri, Manga and Ziniaré in the implementation of their Strategic Plans for Wastewater Treatment and excreta. The partnership stemmed from a desire by ONEA to adapt its supporting strategy to the municipalities within a context of decentralisation and in view of the provisions of Law No. 055-2004 / AN on the General Code of Local Authorities in Burkina Faso that states the involvement of communities in skills creation, management and development of local public services including water, hygiene, and sanitation.

Results achieved

  • Institutional strengthening through the establishment and/or revitalization and equipping of a sanitation service in each of the 4 towns backed up with the recruitment of a sanitation engineer , the establishment of a municipal monitoring committee activities in each commune which meets monthly to review the progress of activities, support for the opening, supply and co - signing a bank account at each joint .

  • Capacity building of about 458 people for all of the four municipalities

  • 10.682 outreach activities through sensitization at home , radio news releases, town criers , film screenings , theater and forums .

  • 892 sanitation works carried out in families within the 4 towns .

  • 37 wastewater produced in public places and 18 others in progress.

About the approach

This approach strengthens the capacity of municipal actors on various themes in order to gradually integrate the implementation of sanitation activities in the conventional operation of each municipality. In other words, the activities will be conducted by the municipal administration that would be surrounded by services of different local stakeholders and indigenous leaders; ONEA and SNV-BF will provide the necessary reinforcement to the various actors to achieve autonomy in solving their sanitation problems.

The role of SNV in this project is to provide technical assistance to municipalities of Dori, Kombissiri, Manga and Ziniaré for the gradual implementation of their Strategic Plans for Wastewater Treatment and excreta, in order to result in empowerment of local organizations in the provision of quality services sanitation.

Spread over a three-year period ( March 2013-March 2016 ) , this partnership is structured around four specific objectives which are:

  • Strengthening the institutional capacity of municipalities in project management

  • Planning and mobilising the different local actors in the development of sanitation

  • Implementing, monitoring and evaluating the operational plans

  • Coordinating, monitoring and sharing experiences.


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