Improved Cook Stoves with Carbon Finance - Nepal

SNV Nepal in partnership with the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) and local implementation partners CRT/N (Centre for Rural Technology / Nepal) and RDSC (Rural Development Service Centre) is implementing a five year Improved Cook Stove Programm
SNV Nepal in partnership with the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) and local implementation partners CRT/N (Centre for Rural Technology / Nepal) and RDSC (Rural Development Service Centre) is implementing a five year Improved Cook Stove Programme with Carbon Finance in seven hill districts in Far West Nepal.
By strengthening a vibrant private cookstove sector close to the people, this programme will provide access to qualitative and safe cooking technologies for 150,000 households in 5 years.
SNV Nepal is currently exploring expansion to other districts as well as opportunities to tie other products such as portable solar lanterns onto the improved cookstove supply chain.