Inclusive Markets for Energy Efficiency in Uganda (IMEU)



IMEU’s overall objective is to develop sustainable, inclusive markets for appropriate energy efficient (EE) products and services for household

The Inclusive Markets for Energy Efficiency in Uganda (IMEU) is a four-year project funded by the Embassy of Sweden.

The project is implemented by a consortium led by SNV with support from Makerere University College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) and Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) as implementing partners.

IMEU’s overall objective is to develop sustainable, inclusive markets for appropriate energy efficient (EE) products and services for households, businesses, and institutions in agriculture and the built environment to enhance livelihoods and increase the resilience and competitiveness of businesses in Uganda.

Project scope

The thematic scope of the project focuses on the agricultural value chains of tea, maize, sunflower and soya bean and the built environment, targeting industrial, public, and commercial buildings across 11 districts and three cities in the country.

The project covers the districts of Bushenyi, Buhweju, Kanungu, Kabarole, Lira, Oyam, Kole and Dokolo, Wakiso, Kampala, and Mukono. Tea is prioritised for the Western region, sunflower and soya bean for the Northern part, and maize cuts across all the selected districts.

Project approaches

  • Behavioural change communication for increased awareness and mindset change.

  • Capacity strengthening of energy service companies and businesses.

  • Applied research and knowledge management.

  • Policy advocacy and institutional coordination through multi-stakeholder partnerships.

IMEU Market Development Fund

The IMEU Market Development Fund is a core component of the project aimed at addressing access to finance challenges experienced by Uganda’s budding Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and Energy Service Provider Companies (ESPCs), reducing their impact.

The MDF is essential to kickstarting the growth of ESCOs and ESPCs and attracting private capital for sustained impact. The fund aims to mitigate risks and eliminate barriers that prevent companies from launching new ventures. It is designed to support all companies meeting basic eligibility criteria and to stimulate access to EE services, especially in poorer communities and harder-to-reach geographies.

For more information, please visit the project website here.

Our results

150,000 people

reached through training and awareness creation events

328 businesses

using EE products and services

200 women & youths

are employed by ESCOs and ESPCs selling EE products and services

30,000 households

use EE products and services

Our donors and partners

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