

The Investing in Young Businesses in Africa - Supporting Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development (IYBA-SEED) project strengthens entrepreneurial ecosystems for young businesses in Benin.

The Investing in Young Businesses in Africa - Supporting Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development (IYBA-SEED) project is an initiative that will run for 4 years (2023-2026).

Key objective:

The project’s core objective is to contribute to the creation of decent jobs and resilient economies for women of all ages and young people aged 18-35. It aims to achieve this by strengthening entrepreneurial ecosystems, thus enhancing access to development services.

To realise this objective, the project focuses on start-ups and their surrounding ecosystems. This encompasses a diverse range of stakeholders, including policy-makers, civil servants, financial players, cultural impact influencers, support organisations, event organisers, educators and human capital developers.

Through this collaborative approach, the project endeavours to strengthen the foundations for sustainable economic growth, paving the way for improved opportunities for women and young people.

The project is:

- multi-country (Benin, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa and Togo)

- multi-operator (Expertise France, SNV, ENABEL, GIZ and SAIDC)

- multi-donors (European Commission DG-INTPA, BMZ, Team France and Slovak Aid)

In Benin, IYBA-SEED is being implemented by SNV (lead) and Expertise France, with funding from the European Union and Team France. It operates specifically in the southern regions of Benin, in Mono, Atlantique, Littoral and Ouémé.

Expected results:

  • Developing capacities and collaborative networks by strengthening and connecting ecosystems

  • Improving the business environment by contributing to the implementation of public rules, regulations and policies

  • Promoting and fostering entrepreneurial culture

  • Compiling and disseminating knowledge, lessons learned and best practices through ecosystem mapping and knowledge management compilation

Donors & partners

Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) logo
GIZ logo