Market based Energy Access (MBEA) III



Kenya hosts a total of approximately 475,000 refugees and asylum seekers of which 40% reside in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, located in Turkana, Northern Kenya.

The majority of people in Kakuma and Kalobeyei (94-96%) rely on firewood and/or charcoal for cooking, which can have negative impacts on health and the environment if inefficient stoves and methods are used. This has led to respiratory diseases, according to local healthcare providers, and worsened deforestation issues in Turkana County.

Energy access in Kakuma and Kalobeyei ranges from a KPLC-operated diesel mini-grid (3%) to solar lanterns (29%), SHS (16%), component-based solar systems, diesel/petrol generators, and solar mini-grid systems (11%). Other sources for lighting include torches, mobile phones, firewood, and candles.

 While there are locally-produced biomass stoves available in the camp, their uptake is limited due to high initial costs and refugees' limited access to formal financial services.


The project aims to enhance access to clean cooking and solar-powered solutions in the Kakuma refugee camp, Kalobeyei integrated settlement, and the surrounding communities. It will do so by employing a market-based strategy, providing technical support to private sector entities involved in stove and solar supply, including manufacturers, distributors, and their local partners. This assistance will benefit both existing players in the energy refugee market and new entrants.



  • Accelerate access to household lighting for the poor and vulnerable communities in refugee set-up.

  • Facilitate supply and adoption of affordable and appropriate stand-alone solar systems for productive use in business settings (for use by MSMEs).

  • Strengthen local production of cookstoves and explore the introduction of appropriate and affordable higher-tier biomass stoves for production at the local level.

  • Strengthen distribution and enhance adoption of clean cookstoves for households.

  • Facilitate access to credit for the end users of the off-grid solar systems and clean cooking solutions in a refugee set-up.

  • Improving the enabling environment in the refugee market to enhance private sector investment and participation in the humanitarian energy sector.

News and stories


Sustainable, electric cooking pilot for households and institutions


SNV celebrates World Refugee Day at Kakuma refugee camp

Kakuma camp

Increasing awareness and uptake of improved cookstoves among host and refugee communities

Woman cooking
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