Nakuru County Sanitation Programme (NCSP)

The Nakuru County Sanitation Programme (NCSP) is an EU-funded public-private partnership that applies a behavioural change and market-based model to accelerate sanitation improvements in Kenya's Nakuru County.
At the peri-urban low-income area of Nakuru county, sanitation infrastructure is inadequate. With most of its population using on-site solutions, the safe management of faecal waste and urine relies on an individual’s volunteerism and hygiene standard. This unregulated situation is compounded by Nakuru’s porous and sandy soil texture, which heightens the risk of ground water contamination by faecal sludge and urine -- to the detriment of the county people's heath.
The Nakuru County Sanitation Programme (NCSP) is an EU-funded public-private partnership that applies a behavioural change and market-based model of accelerating sanitation improvements. The programme is implemented by the Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company (NAWASSCO) with Vitens Evides International (VEI), and receives technical support from SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), Umande Trust, and the Nakuru County Government.
Overall objectives of the programme are to: a) increase hygiene awareness and sanitation coverage in Nakuru town; b) establish collection facilities and transport services for hygienic and sustainable capture, and removal of human waste from low-income areas; c) control and certify large-scale production and sales of human excreta products.
Within the NCSP, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation leads on the following areas:
Demonstrate the agricultural value and re-use of products, as well as facilitate the start-up of human excreta product sales.
Analyse the financial viability and manageability of the recommended sanitation value chain, and offer recommendations to sustain quality and affordable service delivery.
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