

The PAANI project is strengthening Nepal’s ability to manage critical resources in the Karnali, Mahakali and Rapti river basins. Funded by USAID as part of its on-going investment to strengthen the country’s natural resource management capacity, SNV imple

The PAANI project is strengthening Nepal’s ability to manage critical resources in the Karnali, Mahakali and Rapti river basins. Funded by USAID as part of its on-going investment to strengthen the country’s natural resource management capacity, SNV implements activities, as a sub-contractor to Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) from mid December 2016 to December 2020.

PAANI means water in Nepali. The PAANI project is improving the capacity of local communities and authorities to properly manage river resources, as well as increase the resilience of local communities and degraded aquatic ecosystems. The project is targeting four goals to achieve these objectives:

  1. 1. Improve collaborative decision-making processes in twelve priority watersheds;

  2. 2. Support sustainable hydro-power and infrastructure development, disaster risk management and participatory governance at the river basin level;

  3. 3. Strengthen the policy environment at the national level; and

  4. 4. Expand the knowledge base and build the capacity for ongoing learning across all governance levels.

SNV is contributing directly to the following activities:

  • Improving watershed management to reduce threats to and conserve biodiversity as well as enhance well-being;

  • Establishing a long-term funding mechanism for river basin management and innovation;

  • Improved understanding of and behaviours on sustainable water use and biodiversity by users and policy-makers; and

  • Establishing platforms for the sustainable management of the river basins, ensuring connections between river systems, communities and ecosystems along the river

Based on its long-term presence and sector knowledge, SNV is implementing several activities under this project focusing on three result areas:

  1. 1. Gender mainstreaming and social inclusion in all project activities;

  2. 2. Coordinating field activities in Karnali province; and

  3. 3. Professionalising economic activities such as the local fishery and other relevant value chains.

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