Partnership for Productivity, Protection & Resilience in Cocoa Landscapes (PPPRCL)



SDG13: Adapting cocoa farms to a changing climate

Cocoa is Ghana’s most important agricultural commodity. The cocoa sector is also one of the biggest drivers of deforestation in the country.

Cocoa is Ghana’s most important agricultural commodity. The cocoa sector is also one of the biggest drivers of deforestation in the country. Due to a lack of knowledge and access to finance combined with proper land management, smallholder farmers are not able to intensify their production or replant their aging cocoa plantations, leading them to encroach on existing forests with new cocoa plots.

In line with governmental priorities and building on private sector commitments, the 'Partnership for Productivity, Protection and Resilience in Cocoa Landscapes (PPPRCL)' project will reduce local deforestation, enhance local communities' resilience, and increase farmers’ yields and incomes.

To achieve these objectives, the project focus on three outcome areas:

  1. Develop and pilot community-based governance frameworks to protect forests;

  2. Develop and strengthen market-based services to increase farmers' productivity in an environmentally sustainable manner;

  3. Develop financial incentive mechanisms for communities and cocoa farmers.

The project will also stimulate joint private sector investments to scale-up and replicate successful innovations in other cocoa growing areas in Ghana and Ivory Coast.

The PPPRCL project is funded by DFID and implemented by a consortium with SNV, the Nature Conservation Research Centre (NCRC), Agro-eco, COCOBOD, the Forestry Commission and Touton S.A. (lead implementer).

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