PórAmerica - Strengthening grassroots organizations to fight poverty


The PorAmérica program - "Strengthening Grassroots Organizations to Fight Poverty" is a regional initiative of RedEAmérica and the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB MIF), implemented by the Consortium Corporation for

The PorAmérica program - "Strengthening Grassroots Organizations to Fight Poverty" is a regional initiative of RedEAmérica and the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB MIF), implemented by the Consortium Corporation for Community Development (Consortium).

The program's main objective is to improve the economic conditions of low-income families from participating countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru, in order to consolidate a model of grassroots development, organizational strengthening and income generation through partnerships between ODBs and organizations and corporate foundation. The latter entities are called Companions and are responsible for guiding the ODB processes to make them more competitive. This program represents an innovative intervention model (MIF), in which the transfer of resources is made directly to the ODBs (they must self-manage rather than just receive final products or services) and where entities support effective and efficient management of such resources. 
Upon conclusion of the program, SNV was asked to make the final assessment to measure performance indicators, analyze the strengthening of ODBs to combat poverty and the real impact on improving the economic conditions of families with low income - all linked to the 70 initiatives located in 6 countries of intervention. The program was evaluated based on 3 criteria: effectiveness (were goals achieved), efficiency (how were results achieved) and sustainability (verify long-term impact).

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