Promotion of sanworkshops

Burkina Faso


SNV has implemented a package of innovative solutions to support the promotion of hygiene and sanitation in the communes of Ziniaré and Boussé, Burkina Faso.

SNV has implemented a package of innovative solutions to support the promotion of hygiene and sanitation in the communes of Ziniaré and Boussé, Burkina Faso.

The approach built the capacity of private operators to provide accessible sanitation services and facilities, taking into account the various links in the sanitation chain, such as information services and technology, availability of human and material resources, technical construction training and management of wastewater.

A microcredit component for women started in the last quarter of 2013 and continued until the end of 2014 with support from Improved Childhood Life (EVA). In January 2015, SNV handed over the project to the two towns and since then the project has reached more than a 85% recovery rate on average in the two municipalities.

Key results

  • 60 teachers have been trained in monitoring the implementation of WASH activities in schools.

  • 15% increased revenue on average for 173 Ziniaré women and 156 Boussé women thanks to micro-credit benefits.

  • 10% increased revenue for 30 masons by training them and equipping them with a sanitation equipment construction book.

  • 5% increased revenue for 40 association members who received training on promotion of hygiene and saponification.

  • Improvemed living conditions of 329 women in the two communes.

  • Reduction of poverty, of open defecation and diseases related to poor hygiene and sanitation.

  • Increased mastery of sanitation projects management by municipalities through the existence of technical sanitation services in public.

  • Micro-credit system: new advocacy tool for municipalities in research funding in the field of water and sanitation.

Specific objectives

  • Strengthen the capacity of local actors.

  • Implement the micro credit for the development of income generating activities (IGA) promoting hygiene and sanitation promotion.

  • Promote learning and exchange of experience at the municipal level.

Key activities

  • Holding five consultation frameworks in two towns.

  • Implementation of micro credit.

  • Lending to more than 400 women for the creation of income generating activities (IGA) and latrine construction.

  • Training of 10 masons in Boussé on achieving the latrine San Plat, and 10 masons in Ziniaré on achieving the VIP latrine.

  • Capitalisation of the proposed experiment for the last quarter 2015.

Our donors and partners

Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS)