REDD+ Energy and Agriculture Programme (REAP)
REDD+ Energy and Agriculture Programme (REAP)
Agriculture and energy use are major drivers of deforestation and forest degradation. A key challenge is how we improve the livelihoods of local communities through agricultural development, ensuring both food and energy security without destroying the forests.
To advance understanding of the interface between agriculture and energy use across different forest landscapes, SNV has established the "REDD+ Energy and Agriculture Programme" (REAP). This knowledge programme is centered around the development of a set of knowledge products to guide governments, businesses, communities and development practitioners in designing and implementing low emission, pro-poor development pathways.
The REAP programme is being implemented by a core team of 4 experts based in Africa and Asia, and runs from January 2013 until December 2015. Thereafter, successful solutions for balancing agriculture, energy and forestry objectives will be upscaled and replicated to include other landscapes and commodities. Knowledge and insights gained through the REAP programme will be embedded into the Climate Smart Agriculture programme of our Agriculture sector, and into the Climate and Energy programme of our Energy sector.