Reducing Climate Impact of Cooking in Rwanda (ReCIC)



Addressing the challenges associated with supply and usage of clean cooking products in Rwanda.

SNV in collaboration with GIZ is implementing the ‘Reducing Climate Impact of Cooking in Rwanda through improved cooking energy systems (ReCIC) Project’ aiming to address challenges associated with supply and usage of clean cooking products.

The first phase of the project started in April 2021 and ended in October 2022. The current second phase will continue till July 2024.


The project supports the sustainable production and dissemination of improved cookstoves (ICS) and clean fuels by working with producers to improve capacities, aiming at the sales of 500,000 improved cookstoves by 2025. This project is part of the multi-donor-funded global Energising Development (EnDev) Programme being implemented in twenty-one countries across the world, with GIZ as the programme manager. ReCIC project is co-financed by the European Union under the GCCA+ initiative. The project is implemented through a market-based approach in partnership with private sector companies and cooperatives as producers of the Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) and cleaner fuels (briquettes and pallets).

Scope of work

SNV, as one of the implementers of the project has the following scope of work:  

  1.  Administering and managing Cooking Energy Business Growth Fund (CEBGF) - a business challenge fund that aims at providing technical and grant support (in-kind and cash) to cooking energy businesses, mainly the small and medium-sized companies involved in the production of cooking appliances and clean fuels. The primary targets for such support are the capable businesses selected through a well-deified process on a competitive basis. The project is providing a matching grant of RWF 40 million each to twelve (12) clean cooking companies based in Rwanda to enhance their production lines and strengthen their sales through effective marketing.   

  2. Providing technical and material (in-kind) support to ICS Producers (Companies and Cooperatives) outside the CEBGF in selected districts targeting producers, unlikely to be competitive for the challenge fund. The range of technical support covers the provision of technical backstopping in product development, quality control, business development, distribution, and retailing, including the development of business plans. The project is supporting five such producers with raw materials, tools, and equipment for improving production processes and increasing sales. Such supports are performance-based incentives.  

  3. Delivering marketing, promotion and behavioural change communication support including the piloting of credit financing targeted at the customers. The promotional events comprise the utilisation of mass media, community mobilisation and cooking demonstrations at the community level in collaboration with the local governments. The piloting of a micro-credit financing model is done through a micro-financing saving and credit scheme partnering with a local micro-finance company Réseau Interdiocésain de Microfinance (RIM). 

  4. Besides the three major roles as highlighted above, SNV is also maintaining the project database and coordinating with district authorities. In the process, annual plans and progress reports are submitted to the districts for their approval.  

Expected outcomes

With the implementation of the above-mentioned scope of work, the ReCIC project envisages resulting in the following three outputs.  

  • Output 1: A sustainable production and dissemination chain for clean cooking solutions is established in Rwanda. 

  • Output 2: Households, and particularly women, adopt the usage of clean cooking solutions and enhance their living conditions. 

  • Output 3: The uptake of clean cooking solutions is increased due to behavioural change communication initiatives and access to financing through a micro-finance scheme. 


  • Capacity strengthening of 12 Clean Cooking Companies through specialised technical and business development training, coaching and mentoring.

  • Technical backstopping and materials support to five local cooperatives to improve production process.

  • Production and selling of 183,743 Improved Cook Stoves in 2023.

  • RWF 475 million was disbursed to 12 selected clean cooking companies under Clean Energy Business Growth Fund.

  • RWF 271 million additional funding was mobilised by 12 clean cooking companies.


Improved cookstoves were produced and sold in 2023.

Evaluator concludes
475 million

RWF was disbursed to 12 selected clean cooking companies under Clean Energy Business Growth Fund.

12 companies

Capacity was strengthened through specialised technical and business development training, coaching and mentoring.

271 million

RWF in additional funding was mobilised by 12 clean cooking companies.

Learn more about SNV sustainable energy initiatives