Renewable Energy Technologies 4 Nutrition (RET4Nutrition)

The RET4Nutrition project in Rwanda (January-August 2016) is a complement to the ongoing Nutrition Programme funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and implemented by UNICEF and its implementing partners.
The RET4Nutrition project in Rwanda (January-August 2016) is a complement to the ongoing Nutrition Programme funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and implemented by UNICEF and its implementing partners.
To develop exhibition-trade fairs under the nutrition programme that can strengthen and develop multi-sector pro-nutrition interventions at a district level by creating business linkages and development initiatives between technology suppliers of improved cookstoves and solar PV products with the nutrition implementing partners and groups of beneficiaries.
Project activities
Project activities are geared towards the overall objective of contributing to the improvement of livelihoods of rural families by creating linkages with private actors in renewable energy technologies – solar PV products and improved cookstoves. Major activities include:
Awareness creation and sensitisation regarding the linkages between and impact of clean energy household solutions on nutrition among the programme beneficiaries and implementing partners.
Development of business partnerships between local cooperatives, associations, saving and Internal Lending Community group members and private local entrepreneurs and technology importers and manufacturers of solar PV products and/or improved cookstoves.
Organisation of exhibition trade fairs featuring Solar and improved cook stove companies in different districts around the country.
Enhancement of business partnerships in solar and improved cook stoves technologies commercialization and/or production under Rwanda’s rural context.
With the general aim to develop private sector initiatives under the nutrition programme, it is envisioned that the participation of improved cookstoves and solar PV private companies will create a sustainable last mile distribution channel for renewable energy technologies among the beneficiaries at the bottom of the pyramid.
Implementation strategy: Rwanda renewable energy technologies for healthy nutrition practices
RET4Nutrition represents a ground-breaking nexus that links private companies to the existing nutrition programme activities through the supply of renewable energy technologies which are available in cities but often do not reach rural consumers. This initiative complements a multi-sector pro-nutrition interventions at a district level.
Expected outcomes
Increase private sector participation towards achieving nutrition goals: the project contributes to the nutrition programme indicators with the involvement of private renewable energy technology companies under a market-driven approach for the development of pro-nutrition multi-sector linkages.
Increase consumer choices and opportunities: the project creates proximity between private technology suppliers and rural consumers of improved cook stoves and solar PV lanterns, so that rural populations can widen their “options of choosing” while creating awareness and sensitization regarding the linkages to and impact of renewable energy on nutrition when satisfying their household energy needs.
Generate job/income opportunities: the project creates partnerships between actors/ stakeholders/ project developers/ local retailers and private renewable energy technology suppliers in Rwanda.