Rural Water Supply Services (RWSS) - Kenya

SNV aims to improve the sustainability of rural water services delivery by introducing innovative management models at scale.
SNV aims to improve the sustainability of rural water services delivery by introducing innovative management models at scale.
Building on the success of Water and Sanitation Programmes in urban areas, the RWSS programme focuses on improving planning, monitoring, sector coordination, community empowerment and private sector participation. SNV pioneered the design of innovative forms of Public Private Community Partnerships (PPcPs), in partnership with Kenya Markets Trust (KMT). The PPcP model is shown on the right.
Development of the PPcP model preceded the research and analysis of the functionality status of hundreds of water points systems within eight counties, through a water point mapping (WPM) tool. This was done by SNV in partnership with Twaweza (a citizen agency programme) and UNICEF as a means of improving governance, equity & inclusion, evidence based planning & investment and functionality of rural water systems in the counties. The results of this exercise showed that around 30% of water projects were non-functional.
Under the Dutch funded Government of Kenya/ UNICEF WASH programme, SNV strengthened the capacity of water sector institutions in 17 Counties for Sustainable Water Services.
To improve sustainability of RWSS projects, SNV strengthened the capacity of County Governments in evidence based planning, sector coordination, monitoring and evaluation and private sector engagement.