SSH4A Results Programme in South Sudan


Toilet at the Assei village (Photo: Aidan Dockery for SNV)

South Sudan was one of nine countries to implement the Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All Results Programme (SSH4A-RP), a four-year project funded by the UK Government's DFID Results Challenge Fund.

South Sudan was one of nine countries to implement Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All Results Programme (SSH4A-RP), a four-year project funded by the Government of the United Kingdom's DFID Results Challenge Fund.

Preventable diseases like diarrhoea are a major cause of South Sudan’s 10.5% child mortality rate. Open defecation is a contributing factor, with people lacking proper toilets and the knowledge to prevent contamination.

Under SSH4A Results, SNV worked to help 190,000 people in more than 300 villages across two counties gain access to and use improved sanitation. Another 200,000 people further improved their sanitation facilities to reach UNICEF and WHO’s Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) benchmark, and will began practicing handwashing with soap at critical times.

In close cooperation with the Ministry of Rural Water Supply, partner NGO UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) and local authorities, SSH4A created demand for sanitation through behaviour change communication and the Community-Led Total Sanitation approach, helped people upgrade from basic latrines to better toilets, and prepared government stakeholders to take ownership over trainings, advisory, WASH management and behaviour change communication activities.

SSH4A Results in South Sudan

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