Supporting Indonesia’s Climate Change Response

Together with GIZ, the AHT Group, SNV is providing technical support to the Indonesian government to strengthen their response to climate change in Aceh province. The project is funded by the European Commission and will run until January 2019.
Together with GIZ, the AHT Group, SNV is providing technical support to the Indonesian government to strengthen their response to climate change in Aceh province. The project is funded by the European Commission and will run until January 2019.
Together with its partners, SNV aims to contribute to Indonesia's low-emission development under its overall climate change strategy: the project will strengthen the capacity of the Aceh and central government in the provice to create economic growth in the land use, land-use change and forestry sector by supporting low-carbon development economic growth in Aceh province that is compatible with sustainable natural resources management and ecosystem concerns.
A way to achieve this will be through supporting the national REDD+ strategy to design and streamline REDD+ strategies in the existing development planning frameworks as well as by implementing sustainable- participatory- transparent- low-carbon and economically sound land-use decisions. The projects' objectives are to:
Harmonise economic growth with climate change mitigation: support the creation of a Green Economy
Build consensus on climate change and forest management concepts:
Developing capacities at the local level in the province to implement activities in line with low-carbon development