Sustainable Energy For All - SE4All
Burkina Faso,
Some 590 million people in sub-Saharan Africa lack access to electricity and some 690 million are primarily dependent on solid fuels for cooking meals. 19 of the 20 countries with the lowest rates of access to energy are i
Some 590 million people in sub-Saharan Africa lack access to electricity and some 690 million are primarily dependent on solid fuels for cooking meals. 19 of the 20 countries with the lowest rates of access to energy are in sub-Saharan Africa. 30 African countries regularly face energy shortages, costing enterprises 5% of their sales. But Africa will have a potential off-grid market more important than Asia from 2020.
The energy costs are extremely high and its sources are often very polluting. For the West African countries, the energy system is dominated by biomass (wood, charcoal and plant residues). Its use affects ecosystem balance by degrading soils and accelerating desertification. At the macroeconomic level, in many oil-importing countries, the oil bill can represent up to 40-50% of the export earnings of the country.
In September 2011, the General Secretary of the United Nations launched the "Sustainable Energy for All" initiative.
It aims to mobilize action in all sectors of society, namely enterprises, governments, investors, community groups and academics, in order to achieve three objectives by 2030: ensure universal access to modern energy services; double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. With 42 countries that have fully joined the initiative, Africa plays a leading role in the implementation of SE4ALL.
The energy transition based on energy sobriety and efficiency and renewable energy could be one of the ways of salvation facing acute energy crisis in most African countries. These countries can build more resilient and competitive economies.
Between 2015 and 2017, with support from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SNV, Hivos and Energia will implement an initiative in the SE4ALL framework to strengthen civil society organizations mobilization around sustainable energy.
This is to help these organizations carry their voice and position themselves as key intermediaries:
- To represent the needs and interests of under-served populations in energy (energy services articulation with other sectors such agriculture, water, education, health, etc.);
- Attract enough attention of policymakers on the advantage of decentralized energy solutions: complementary of energy sources and technologies, synergy of actors, innovative and appropriate financing and sharing of knowledge and expertise (development of Public-Private Partnerships to serve the community);
- Overcome the limitations of the old energy systems and promote the economy of the future based on clean energy (enforcement of a price regulation for electricity coming from sustainable energy).
Project activities
In Burkina Faso, SNV will:
• facilitate and coordinate the promotion of NGO activities and positions on the issue of clean energy;
• support the participation of NGOs in the process of SE4ALL national agenda, strengthening their ability to influence on the national plans and their implementation.
• Organize NGOs advocacy and its scope in the media.