Sustainable Sanitation Transformation in Peri-urban and Urban Areas (SSTPU) of Ethiopia



SNV's SSTPU supports the Government of Ethiopia to meet the targets of its Universal Access Plan II (UAP-II) by introducing systems improvements in public access to sanitation facilities in 12 small towns.

The goal of Sustainable Sanitation Transformation in Peri-urban and Urban Areas of Ethiopia (SSTPU) is to support the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) in meeting the targets of the Universal Access Plan II (UAP-II), through improving public access to sanitation facilities in 12 small towns.

In partnership with high profile local implementing partners SSTPU takes a holistic approach to promoting safe hygiene practices, increasing the demand for sanitation facilities, creating access to improved facilities in schools and market centres and bringing private operators into the sanitation value chain to increase sustainability.

To realise this SNV plays a key role in developing and disseminating hygiene and sanitation messages; building capacity and developing related value chains; promoting biogas solutions for waste disposal; and documenting and sharing lessons and best practices.

SSTPU also:

  • Facilitates the engagement of private operators in the sanitation value chain, towards sustained supply provision and expansion in demand and use of sanitation facilities in public places and surrounding communities;

  • Facilitates the construction of improved holistic gender-, environment- and disability-sensitive WASH facilities linked to biogas digesters in market centres and primary schools;

  • Encourages diversification of business opportunities from the use of the energy produced from the linked bio-digester for small restaurants, businesses and schools, and the bio-slurry as organic fertiliser for smallholder farmers;

  • Involves women and young people in WASH promotion groups;

  • Promotes menstrual hygiene management (MHM) and affordable sanitary pad production in 16 schools;

  • Builds the capacities of local government staff and partners, opinion leaders, community groups, school WASH clubs, artisans and private traders, in the Institutional Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene (ILTSH) approach for sanitation promotion and management;

  • Addresses an estimated 231,212 persons through the development of audience specific messages and  behavioural change and communication (BCC) materials.

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Inaugration of WASH facilities

Inaugration of WASH facilities

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