Urban WASH knowledge management

SNV's Urban WASH knowledge management project implements systematic knowledge management activities to help improve WASH practices and strengthen sector stakeholders' work effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation.
Urban WASH knowledge management is aimed at implementing systematic knowledge management activities.
The project sought to boost knowledge development and access as well as awareness among key stakeholders, including policy makers, implementing partners and urban councils. It aimed to improve WASH practices and strengthen sector stakeholders' work effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation. Although various projects have been implemented within the urban WASH sector, the project sought to address a gap in the absence of a platform or agency that consistently, systematically, and deliberately gathers, synthesises and disseminates knowledge at sector level.
Zimbabwe WASH sector website redesign: The Urban WASH knowledge management team has started re-designing the sector website. The new NCU website will be more interactive and will facilitate knowledge sharing in Zimbabwe and beyond.
Set-up Urban WASH Zimbabwe online community of practice: SNV established an online discussion group (D-groups) where local and international actors contribute to discussions on WASH topics. SNV moderates these discussions and consolidates the critical issues into papers that are shared with stakeholders. Urban WASH Zimbabwe is a space to connect and share resources and experiences around WASH in Zimbabwe. Register now!
Documentation and information sharing: The Urban WASH team has facilitated documentation of key methodologies, processes and outcomes of the Small Town WASH Project (STWP). Some of the most significant stories were shared on social media and in newsletters.
The Zimbabwe WASH Connector, the first sector newsletter was launched at the end of October 2015. The newsletter documents and shares knowledge, best practices, and people's stories and experiences in the Zimbabwe WASH sector.
Through social media, Urban WASH Zimbabwe has played a significant role in facilitating information sharing, documentation and networking within the sector. Follow us @urbanwashzim and stay connected!
Capacity building of sector stakeholders: We supported local authorities and implementing partners in gaining documentation, communication and knowledge management skills. A communications and knowledge management capacity building workshop was held in September 2015 for 28 local authorities and 14 implementing partners. The objective was to enhance stakeholders' skills in knowledge generation, analysis and application.