WASH in schools and health centres

Burkina Faso


SNV strengthens the technical skills of actors in five rural communities of the North Central and five towns of the Central Plateau in Burkina Faso.

SNV strengthens the technical skills of actors in five rural communities of the North Central and five towns of the Central Plateau in Burkina Faso. The technical skills focus on hygiene and sanitation services and multi-stakeholder dialogue with local politicians, masons, women's groups, and municipal officials.

Hygiene promotion activities have been carried out in public places (restaurants, taverns and water points) through training, public awareness junctions and safety contests. SNV also supports the use of promotional activities and maintenance of water, hygiene and sanitation in 60 health centers and 10 schools in 10 towns.


  • 79 teachers have been trained and monitored the implementation of WASH activities in schools.

  • More than 120 health workers were trained on hygiene and patient education.

  • The activities are among others the strengthening of capacities of the main actors (politicians, technicians, masons, women).

  • The promotion of hygiene in public places by health contest.

  • The promotion of hand washing device, for the promotion of public health.

  • A particular emphasis was placed on the development of indigenous capabilities can enable local stakeholders to seek funding by themselves for the sector and for women's empowerment.

  • The establishment of frameworks for dialogue at the local level has enhanced dialogue between the various local actors and key stakeholders (NGOs, associations,…). This allowed the harmonization, efficiency and effectiveness of interventions at local level.

  • The training of technicians has improved tracking and monitoring of water and sanitation facilities.

  • The training of support staff members of the medical team began improving hygiene in health centres.

  • The promotion of hygiene in public places including restaurants, bars, improved hygiene and offered our partners a better visibility towards their targets.

As part of this project, several key tools for behavior change have been developed:

  1. A manual for teachers, to integrate WASH issues in their teaching activities.

  2. A pictorial manual in easy French, to show how to use, maintain and make the most of Ecosan latrines in schools.

  3. Awareness posters to the attention of students.

SNV is currently seeking to deepen this project by looking into the connection of Ecosan latrines to biodigesters to provide cooking energy and thus further improve the link between sanitation and school canteen, and by developing activities for schoolgirls on menstrual hygiene management, based on behaviour change.

Our donors and partners

Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS)