Waste to energy for enterprises

The up-scaling of Waste to Energy technologies provides enterprises and domestic needs with an opportunity to utilise waste from their agricultural or food processing activities to produce affordable, clean, renewable energy to meet their enterprise needs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The potential market for waste-to-energy technologies is large. In Indonesia alone, it is estimated that there are more than 250,000 small and home-based enterprises not reached by existing renewable energy interventions.
The objectives of the programme are to develop new waste-to-energy technologies for enterprises and domestic use and then upscale those technologies.
New Waste to Energy Technologies
Tofu waste bio-digester: Targeted at small and home-based tofu enterprises in Nusa Tenggara Barat due to its sizeable home-based tofu industry, the gas produced from tofu waste will be used for making tofu and replacing wood fuels.
Cassava solid waste bio-digester: It is targeted at small and home-based cassava enterprises in East Java, one of the largest cassava production centres in Indonesia. The gas produced from the digester will be used for producing electricity or distributing gas to multiple households for cooking and lighting purpose.
Palm Oil Mill Effluent Biogas in Jambi: SNV has developed and tested medium-scale biogas digesters that use Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) as a feedstock and provide energy to the local communities. This intervention has the potential to reduce GHG emissions from plantations by 80%. We will work with palm oil mills to provide energy to nearby communities in Muaro Jambi, one of the centres of palm oil production in Indonesia.
Efficient biomass cookstove for coconut sugar enterprises: Primarily targeted at coconut sugar producers in East Java. SNV has existing projects in the sector with local partners that can support the proposed intervention.
Smokeless cookstoves for households: Most rural households in Indonesia still rely on biomass for cooking, becoming increasingly expensive and difficult to access. The smokeless cookstoves are efficient, faster and safe for cooking. These stoves are locally produced, providing training to the local people.