Water Tower Protection and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (WaTER)

In partnership with AESA East Africa and funded by EuropeAid, SNV is implementing the Kenya Water Tower Protection and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (WaTER) Programme.
In partnership with AESA East Africa and funded by EuropeAid, SNV is implementing the Kenya Water Tower Protection and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (WaTER) Programme.
Most of Kenya’s forests are in mountain areas and these areas make up the country’s water towers and form the catchments of all one of the main rivers in Kenya. These landscapes store rainwater, regulate river flows, recharge ground-water aquifers, improve soil fertility and reduce soil erosion and sediment flow into river water.
Sustainable protection and management of the Water Towers of Mount Elgon, Chirangani and Nandi Hills in working partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Water Resources Authority, Kenya Forest Service and Kenya Wildlife Service forms the crux of this project.
The programme purpose is to improve the quality and quantity of ecosystem services provided by Kenya’s water towers through increased forest cover, improved landscape and natural resource management, and waste management systems leading to increased benefits to communities from forest, agriculture and agroforestry land use systems.
The project is delivered in the period 2017-2021, and SNV is providing key staff in the fields of socio-economy, dispute resolution, monitoring and evaluation, and other areas of expertise as required.