15 July: Reforming the investment climate to respond to the COVID-19 crisis in African, Caribbean and Pacific States
On 15 July 2020, the Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility will host a webinar on how ACP states can tackle investment climate reforms in times of COVID.
Webinar details
Date: 15 July 2020
Time: 15.30 - 17.00
About the webinar
Beyond its negative economic impact, the current crisis could be an opportunity for investment climate reform in ACP countries. The webinar provides guidance to policymakers and practitioners on how to turn the current environment into an opportunity to boost their economies.
The webinar is offered by the Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility. After the webinar, there will be opportunities for government agencies from ACP Countries¹ to seek further one-on-one assistance through remote support.
Aspects to be discussed during the meeting include:
How the current crisis provides opportunities to carry out long due reforms.
Appraising the business environment and its readiness to better absorb the economic shocks triggered by the crisis.
Prioritising, designing and managing reforms to respond to the crisis.
Agenda for the webinar
Welcome and Introduction: Support of the ICR Facility to support investment climate reform in ACP countries – Diego Borrero, Technical lead investment climate reform, ICR Facility
Reforming the investment climate to respond to the COVID-19 crisis in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States – Cesar Cordova, Director, Jacobs, Cordova and Associates
Q&A - Session
Remote Assistance Application Process (1-on-1-clinics) – Diego Borrero, Technical lead investment climate reform, ICR Facility
About the ICR Facility
The ICR Facility is co-funded by the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) under the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the British Council. It is implemented by BC, EF, GIZ, and SNV.
The ICR Facility supports specific and targeted interventions at the economy-wide, sectorial and value chain level with Technical Assistance for up to 90 days based on requests. Requests can be handed in by OACPS public and private stakeholders according to the eligibility requirements. The ICR Facility offers Technical Assistance in the field of Business Environment Reform for inclusive and sustainable economic development on the basis Public-Private Dialogue.
1 Members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States