
Advisory Committee signing ceremony held


The Working with Women project is SNV’s first inclusive business project in Bangladesh, using the global expertise of the organisation to ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights of female ready-made garment workers. In June 2015, SNV held an Advisory Committee signing ceremony at a local conference hall in Dhaka.

The role of the committee will be to provide guidance and advice to the team leader of the Working with Women project. The Advisory Committee members are projected to champion and advocate the programme to their broader communities. The current project is a pilot initiative, to facilitate development of viable business models for ensuring sexual and reproductive health services for female ready-made garment workers.

The committee will provide strategic direction to the Working with Women project to achieve the project goal, as well as promote and make aware of the project in their broader network and communities of interactions. They are also expected to take the lead in policy dialogue and advocacy on potential areas and themes identified by the project at government, donor, media, buyer/brand and policy level.

Mr. Paul Stevens, Country Director - SNV Bangladesh; Dr. Ahmed-Al Kabir, S.M. Fazlul Hoque, Ms. Laila Rahman Kabir, Dr. Rubina Husain, Reaz Bin Mahmud, the Working with Women team and people from different sectors were present at the event.