COP21 - Taking Action for our Climate
SNV energy, agriculture and REDD+ experts, including Andy Wehkamp (Managing Director Energy) and Tom Derksen (Managing Director Agriculture), will represent SNV at the COP21 Climate Summit in Paris. Bringing innovative climate solutions to discussions with negotiators, donors and partners, SNV is actively involved in a number of COP21 side events.
1 Dec at 16.30: Boosting Clean Cooking for Climate with Private Sector
How to scale up the investments in clean cooking solutions at the Base of the Pyramid through the private sector: lessons learned and ways forward
Hosted by: Dutch Spark for Clean Cooking Solutions, Global Alliance for Cookstoves, SE4All
Panel: Rachel Kyte, Judi Wakhungu, Shiferaw Tekilemariam, Lilianne Ploumen, Anita George, Gary Hattem, Jeroen Blüm
6 Dec Landscapes day: SNV Booth at Nature & Climate Change Pavilion, Global Landscapes Forum
Special presentations and discussions:
13.45 - 14.40: Bio-energy in the Landscape - ICRAF, SNV, ITTO, IUFRO
15.45 - 16.30: Climate Smart Landscapes: Key Ingredients for Impact at Scale - SNV, ICRAF, LEDS
7 Dec at 17.30: Gender Responsiveness
Gender Responsiveness as a Tool to Increase Environmental Sustainability, Energy Access and Generate Co-benefits: Bridging Policies, Projects and Financial Opportunities
8 Dec at 15.00: Deforestation-free Agriculture: Converting Pledges into Action
Hosted by: SNV, National Wildlife Fund, Rainforest Alliance with moderator Mr Tasso Azevedo.
The session explores and delineates the key elements needed to ensure that the growing number of pledges will result in actual impact. SNV, Rainforest Alliance and the National Wildlife Federation share case examples from their pioneering work on deforestation free agricultural supply chains. Lessons will be distilled from these experiences to provide recommendations for key stakeholders on converting pledges to impact. Following the presentations there will be a panel discussion between representatives from government and the private sector to understand recent pledges and to seek opinions on what are seen as the key issues to be addressed.
11 Dec at 10.30: Access to Clean Cooking for 2.9 Billion People: A Vital Part of the Climate Agenda
How can we make sure that clean cookstoves are being acknowledged internationally as a necessary and important approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Hosted by: Dutch Spark for Clean Cooking Solutions
Panel: Andy Wehkamp, Helena Molin Valdés, Leslie Cordes, Michel Rentenaar, Rene Tout