CRAFT 2020 Annual Report now available
Enhancing the adaptive capacity and climate resilience of smallholder farmers and agribusinesses in East Africa.
The Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) 2020 Annual Report is now available online. The report summarises key activities undertaken and results achieved under the CRAFT project implemented by SNV (lead) in partnership with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Agriterra and Rabo Partnerships.
Executed in three East African countries, notably Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, the five-year project is designed to address climate change-related challenges affecting the agriculture sector by contributing to increased availability of accessible and climate resilient food for the growing population in those countries.
The following highlights reflect CRAFT’s top line achievements in 2020:
The project supported 41,290 (47% women) smallholder farmers in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda to receive knowledge and skills in climate change adaptation and resilience solutions such as using improved seeds, soil and water management, and postharvest handling. This has in turn improved their yields and income.
Through its Climate Innovation and Investment Facility (CIIF), CRAFT committed over €5.6M in derisking investments of 36 agribusinesses in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda; thereby enhancing the adoption of climate smart agricultural practices and technologies in specific food value chains such as soybean and sunflower within the region.
In turn, the CRAFT supported these agribusinesses, including seven farmer cooperatives engaged with 237,250 smallholder farmers through trainings, farm demonstrations, farmer exchanges and inputs provision; all of which increased food security amidst the climate change challenge.
To ensure gender and youth inclusion, 15 of the agribusinesses were women and youth led/owned.
To cut greenhouse gas emissions from agribusinesses in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, the project supported the uptake of renewable energy solutions and their efficient use in agribusiness. This was achieved through awareness-raising, technology demonstrations and business development support to project validated agribusinesses.
Through its COVID-19 response facility, CRAFT supported smallholder farmers and agribusinesses to safeguard their incomes, food security, and health from difficulties generated by the pandemic. The aid consisted of incorporating and adopting digital services to reach farmers, integrating adequate sanitation and protective gear in the project roll-out and restructuring business investment plans to fit into the ‘new normal.’
Through country and value chain specific Climate Risk Assessments (CRA), climate threats and suitable adaptation strategies for different actors, resources and processes across project supported value chains were identified in the three countries. The results of the analysis were used to update crop manuals and prepare climate and business narratives.
Other climate change adaptation and resilience building practices that the project facilitated in the year 2020 include:
Promotion of household resilience in light of climate change through facilitation of climate smart farmer field schools, financial literacy trainings and a saving culture amongst smallholder farmers and agribusinesses. This enabled them to manage shocks and stresses caused by climate-related causes.
Investment in peer learning and exchange, which was achieved through organisation of events that spurred cross-learning across agricultural value chain actors, and;
Supporting smallholder farmers to access reliable markets.
All the above actions have contributed to enhancing adaptive capacities, strengthening resilience, and reducing the vulnerability of smallholder farmers and agribusinesses to evidenced climate risks in East Africa.
Our appreciation goes out to SNV/CRAFT staff, consortium partners and the Netherlands Government - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose financial support made the implementation of this project and milestones thereof possible.
We look forward to equal success in 2021.
Download the detailed CRAFT 2020 Annual Report
Download the comprehensive climate risk assessment reports
For further information, please contact Marieke van Schie, CRAFT Multi-country Project Manager.