Farmers' field day
SNV organised a farmer’s field day on 20 July 2017 on its mango demonstration plot to showcase Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) as part of the Improving consumer awareness and access to certified safe tomato and mango products in Bangladesh project, that is funded by the European Commission and implemented by SNV and its partners CAB and CEAFS.
The mango demonstration plot is situated at Sholua Union, Charghat Sub-district of Rajshahi District. Thirty farmers of the “Sholua Safe Mango Producer Group” and another one hundred twenty mango growers participated in the farmer's field day were present . The field day focused on GAP for safe and quality production of mango with the use of sex pheromone trap, clean cultivation and judicial application of pesticide for good agricultural practices. The participating farmers now have enhanced knowledge on good practices and will share their learnings with other neighboring farmers by disseminating of the technology for safe production of mango.
At the mango farmers’ field day ceremony, Mahbub Ullah, SNV project Coordinator, delivered the welcome speech while providing a brief of the project and gave an overview of Mango GAP Demonstration. The Chief Guest at the event, Mr. Deb Dulal Dhali, Deputy Director, Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Rajshahi District under Ministry of Agriculture emphasised the importance of GAP to contribute to quality processed products, the necessity of GAP demonstration plots and praised SNV’s initiative to host this day. Abu Zafor Md. Sadeque, Upazila Agriculture Officer, Charghat, Rajshahi was present as special guest at the event. He showed interest in extending cooperation from DAE regarding that implementation of the project activities.
Demonstration farmer Md. Hafizur Rahman, Sholua Union, Charghat, Rajshahi shared his learnings and success of using different technologies of GAP demonstration. Md. Yaqub Ali, Group Leader, Sholua Safe Mango Producer Group ended the event formally by delivering his speech. The event was coordinated by Mahe Alam, Food Safety Advisor, Safwat Hossain, M&E Advisor and moderated by Kamal Khan, Horticultural Expert, SNV.