
FCDO-Unilever-led coalition launches COVID-19 informative website for Indonesians

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More than 1M people in Indonesia have contracted COVID-19. Close to 30,000 have lost their lives. In a bid to make the biggest positive impact and save lives, the public-private partnership HBCC has launched a website with easy-to-understand COVID-19 information. Learn more about the HBCC 3M campaign, implemented by SNV with its local government partners in Indonesia.

What is HBCC?

HBCC or the Hygiene & Behaviour Change Coalition is a high-impact hygiene and behaviour change programme led by the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Unilever. Implemented in partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and 21 development organisations, the coalition aims to curb the spread of COVID-19 among the world’s most vulnerable populations. With an ambition to reach up to 1 billion people around the world, HBCC seeks to make a difference through the distribution of essential hygiene products, and the widespread organisation of public health campaigns and education efforts.

What is 3M?

3M, in Indonesian, refers to practices that could help control the spread of the virus. Menggunakan masker (Wear your face mask). Menjaga jarak (Keep physical distance). Mencuci tangan pakai sabun (Wash your hands with water and soap). Simple? Not quite.

The mechanics of practising these measures are not well known. What may seem obvious to some, are not to others. The spread of disinformation and misinformation has done nothing but to sow confusion. How should one wear a face mask properly? For how long does a face mask stay effective? Is it safe to use bar soaps? Are alcohol rubs equally as effective? What is a safe physical distance? Is it okay to remove a face mask when one observes physical distance anyway?... are just one of the few questions that people are confronted with on a daily basis.


The HBCC, through SNV’s long-term local presence and know-how in Indonesia, is bringing COVID-19 preventative tips to as many people possible. Early this month, the public-private partnership launched the website Tanggapcovid.id to deliver answers about COVID-19, in Bahasa Indonesia.

photo tanggapcovid website homepage

Click to access Tanggapcovid website

Photo participants during the launch pledge 'to spread the word'

Participants during the launch pledge 'to spread the word'

Information and tips found in the website are based on SNV’s 2020 COVID-19 formative research study in Indonesia. Seven months after the virus had been declared a pandemic, SNV’s research found that people’s knowledge about COVID-19 symptoms and prevention behaviours were still limited. Some believed that a person who did not exhibit symptoms could not infect others. Few information about virus transmission, mainly through droplets via coughing and breathing, was available. Moreover, perceptions of risk were highly variable. The ‘realness’ of COVID-19 was still very much hotly debated.

'I am delighted that the UK government is supporting the efforts of Indonesia’s local and national governments this way. Three simple steps can help us control this pandemic; menggunakan masker, menjaga jarak, and mencuci tangan dengan sabun. To adopt these behaviours, people need the capability, opportunity, and motivation to act. This website gives people the chance to make promises on good behaviour they can share. Encouraging others to do the same, and increasing the likelihood that people will follow the rules. This website builds on the work already being done – nationally and locally – and complements Indonesia’s efforts.’ – John Nickell, Head of Media and Communications, British Embassy, Jakarta.

Tanggapcovid.id was launched last 2 February 2020. Ismene Stalpers, SNV Country Director, opened the virtual launch by saying that ‘Preventing COVID-19 is a collaborative work. It is important for all sectors to encourage others to implement hygiene behaviours.’ Attended by over 100 participants, the launch ended with a pledge for action against COVID-19.

Simultaneous actions

Dr Falla Adinda, member of Indonesia’s COVID-19 task force, emphasised the importance of media to ‘share the good news of the Tanggapcovid.id website.’ Over ten district government partners of SNV have also pledged to promote the website vigorously. SNV is engaging national and social media influencers, local governments, and local communities to promote the website and its interactive features.

Interested to take action?

In Indonesia and interested to take action? Check out ways how to get involved.

  • Did you miss the launch? View it here.

  • Access the Tanggapcovid website.

  • Spread the word. Promote use of the website.


Photo: Anna Shvets from Pexels

For more information, contact SNV's Saniya Niska by email (HBCC Country Programme Manager in Indonesia)