
Good manufacturing practices for safe processed products of mango and tomato

Good manufacturing practices for safe processed products of mango and tomato

A two day training on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) was organised by SNV Netherlands at PRAN factory, Natore, on 18 July 2017.

PRAN staff members from different sections such as quality control, food safety, production, storage, maintenance & housekeeping, purchase, distribution, human resources attended the training along with training staff of other agro-processing companies such as Kishwan and Sajeeb, and local NGOs in Rajshahi & Natore, i.e. Sachetan and PCD. Through the training, participants will be able to enhance their knowledge on processing planning, systems and technologies to contribute to safe production of processed products of mango and tomato, that will be produced by 10,000 farmers of Natore and Rajshahi Districts, who are the beneficiaries of the project “Improving consumer awareness and access to certified safe tomato and mango products in Bangladesh” funded by the European Commission and implemented by SNV and its partners, CAB and CEAFS.

At the inauguration ceremony, Mahbub Ullah, Project Coordinator, SNV, delivered the welcome speech briefing about the project and gave an overview of GMP for processing companies involved in production of processed products of mango and tomato. Hazrat Ali, General Manager, PRAN, advised the participants to learn more about GMP from the training to add value in the production process.

Chief Guest of the event, Md. Altab Hussain, Director, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), Rajshahi, Ministry of Industries inaugurated the event and praised the initiative, discussing the importance of GMP in Bangladesh and the necessity of GMP training.

Resource person Md. Masud Hasan, Product Manager - Food of Bureau Veritas (Bangladesh) Private Limited, delivered his presentation on GMP training. SNV Project Staff Food Safety Advisor, Horticultural Expert and M&E Advisor coordinated the training course.

Good manufacturing practices for safe processed products of mango and tomato