
A Green Revolutionary - Reflections on field visits in Rwanda

A Green Revolutionary - Reflections on field visits in Rwanda

Jean-Marie learned how to build the bio-digester through a training program with SNV, a MasterCard Foundation partner. In addition to increasing his capacity, the system saves money and time for cooking as his family does not have to buy wood or coal. It’s a cleaner gas than burning coal for cooking and his wife happily reports that it doesn’t turn the pots black.

Over the next few years, The MasterCard Foundation will work with SNV in rural communities in Rwanda, Tanzania and Mozambique to create economic opportunities for 20,000 young people in renewable energy such as producing and selling improved cooking stoves, biogas and solar power. In Rwanda, the partnership between The MasterCard Foundation and SNV supports the government’s development and poverty reduction goals to promote employment for young people using green technologies.

“I have found my purpose in farming and teaching. This is what I was meant to do.” - Jean Marie

Read the full article on the website of The MasterCard Foundation.