Guide on advancing gender equality and climate action
SNV has contributed and worked alongside CDKN, ODI, CARE and Mercy Corps to launch a new guide.
The partners created the guide because they heard a common refrain from project managers: ‘We have to integrate gender into our climate project, but we don’t know exactly how to do it!’
Advancing gender equality and climate action is geared toward helping project managers develop appropriate gender-related targets and a suitable Monitoring, Evaluating and Learning (MEL) system to track achievement over time.
Learning from experience
This guide uses case study examples to unpack how different organisations have:
Developed gender-responsive objectives and targets, appropriate to their sector and context
Created relevant indicators and MEL systems to track and understand progress
Managed their projects adaptively in response to emergent learning.
The SNV case studies included in this publication are the Energising Development III project in Tanzania and the Horticulture Advancing Income and Nutrition (CHAIN) project in Cambodia.
The guide’s authors are Mairi Dupar (CDKN/ODI) and Patricia Velasco (CDKN) with substantive contributions from: Inga Brill (SNV), Andrés Córdova (CARE Ecuador), Harko Koster (SNV), Vaidehi Krishnan (Mercy Corps), Sokundarun Lim (SNV), Jennifer Linkletter (SNV), Rik Overmars (SNV), Beza Tesfaye (Mercy Corps).
This publication was launched during an official UNFCCC side event at COP26. You can watch the launch recording on YouTube using the link below.