
Launch of the National Biodigester Programme - Phase II

Launch of the National Biodigester Programme - Phase II

SNV continues in the renewable energy sector with the launch of the National Biodigester Programme’s second phase funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) / Energising Development (EnDev).

The programme aims to establish a self-sustaining, market driven, domestic biogas sector through the construction of extra biogas plants in twelve provinces across Cambodia. To achieve this goal, the programme will strengthen suppliers’ service delivery and establish biogas plants quality control. Between 2013 and 2015, SNV plans to build an additional 9,500 biogas plants with a total number of 50,350 people as direct beneficiaries.

Presently, 83% of the total population uses unsustainable energy sources such as firewood and charcoal as their main cooking fuel. This practice has a deeply negative impact on Cambodia’s natural resources (forests) but also on households’ budget, health and livelihood. Using renewable energy technologies, such as Biogas Digesters, is considered as one of the most effective technique in meeting the energy demand and answering socio-economic issues in rural and remote areas of the country, especially in off-grid areas.

The interventions will yield a number of results across targeted provinces among which the support to small scale farmers in establishing commercially viable biodigester construction businesses, the comprehensive training and accreditations of 30 Biogas Construction Companies, the technical training of 165 masons and technical supervisors leading to NBP certification as well as the setting up of 70 Biogas User Networks. The programme will endeavour to foster a suitable business environment so as to develop a dynamic private sector for the production and distribution of biogas appliances and spare parts.