
Rwanda hosts Ethiopian delegation on biogas learning trip

Rwanda hosts Ethiopian delegation on biogas learning trip

SNV, the Netherlands Development Organisation in conjunction with REG and MININFRA is hosting a delegation from Ethiopia comprising key officials and staff from the national and regional energy agencies, who have travelled to Rwanda and Kenya to interact with key government and other officials from the two countries, around aspects of private sector development and PPP in biogas.

The team is comprised of the following:

  1. State Minister, Ministry of Water Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE)

  2. Director, AED&P Directorate, MoWIE

  3. Director, Ministry of Agriculture & Natural Resources (MoA&NR)

  4. Country Director, SNV Ethiopia

  5. Advisor, Ministry of Finance & Eco. Cooperation (MoFEC)

  6. Representatives from the regional Bureau of Water, Irrigation and Electricity /Bureau of Water, Mines and Energy (BoWME)/MEA (4)

  7. National Biogas Programme Manager

  8. Regional Biogas Programme Coordinators (4)

The objectives of the learning visit are to learn from the hosting countries;

  1. What it takes to effectively develop a vibrant private sector for biogas promotion

  2. The specific roles the government should play in promotion of biogas through development and involvement of private sector

  3. The best practices in the PPP model of biogas promotion

  4. What pitfalls can be anticipated

  5. How PPPs help in promoting biogas in an integrated manner with other RE solutions like solar PV

  6. How the current biogas and other alternative energy programmes could be better structured for improved coordination and effectiveness

Why Rwanda fits the study

Rwanda has a vibrant biogas private sector decentralised under REG with a GoR subsidy. Since the NDBP was decentralised to district level in 2015, REG and implementing partner SNV have registered a good uptake of biogas. Biogas has been incorporated into District performance contracts and SNV is committed to train 2 young technicians per sector to construct digesters under the Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) Project, hence empowering local Rwandans to take ownership of their development. In the OYE framework, the biogas technicians are organised into district biogas cooperatives or private biogas companies.

The itinerary of the visit is as shown in the table below.

7-9 November 2016

8.30 - 10.00

10.00 - 12.30

12.30 - 14.00

14.00 - 16.00



Meeting at SNV and presentation

Meeting with the Energy Private Developers Association


Visit Drimex company on Rweru site-Model Village in Bugesera,Eastern Province

(Plastic/Canvas digester and appliances)


8- November

Travel To Musanze, Northern Province

Meet Musanze District officials

Meet Musanze private sector, biogas cooperative on a biogas site in Kimonyi Sector


Visit Ruhasa village for community biogas (Supported by REMA and Musanze District)

Visit a modern farmer in Rulindo, bio-slurry application



Meeting MININFRA and REG

(State Minister MININFRA and CEO REG)

Debriefing meeting at SNV


Preparation for departure


SNV Netherlands Development Organisation was founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago. Since then we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 countries all over the world. We’ve been working in Rwanda for over 35 years to improve people’s livelihoods by strengthening the capacities of public and private sector organisations.

SNV works in full alignment with Rwanda’s development agenda. It does so by helping to realize the national development goals in three sectors: Agriculture and Food Security, Renewable Energy, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

For more information on SNV, visit www.snv.org

Minister Wondimu Tekle

Minister Wondimu Tekle