
SNV and partners address barriers for climate resilience in high-level panel @COP26

Woman working on a farm

On 9 November, SNV will lead a consortium of partners in an official UNFCCC side at COP26 to address financial and capacity barriers for climate resilience in Low-to-Middle Income Countries.

LMIC countries, on the frontline of climate impacts, have inherent strengths, vast adaptive capacity and opportunities for climate-resilient development. Effective adaptation actions require collective mindsets, investments at scale and the adoption of proven, locally-led, inclusive approaches.

This event, co-organised by SNV, Govt of the Netherlands, NDC Partnership, Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance and CGIAR research centres, will bring together policymakers, the private sector and NGOs to share proven best practices for climate change adaptation are locally inclusive and have the potential for scaling.

Where and when?

  • Date: Tuesday 9 Nov 11.30-12.45h (UK time)

  • Location: Side Event Room 3 – Derwentwater

Session overview

Moderator: Simon O’Connell, CEO, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Opening remarks:  Jahan Chowdhury, NDC Partnership


  • Evan Girvetz, Programme Lead Finance and Investments for Climate Action, CGIAR (CIAT, IRRI, IWMI, ILRI)

  • Patty Fong, Programme Director, Global Alliance for the Future of Food


  • Ms. Irene Chekwoti, Senior Climate Change Officer, Ministry of Water and Environment, Govt of Uganda

  • Denis Karema, CEO Sokofresh

  • Dr. Mithika Mwenda, Executive Director PACJA

Closing remarks

Ms. Kitty van der Heijden, Director General for International Cooperation, Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To register

To register your interest in attending this event, please complete the form here.