
SNV experts discuss the transition to clean cooking at CCF 2019

Woman in hut

SNV energy experts will participate in the upcoming Clean Cooking Forum 2019 which is organised by the Clean Cooking Alliance. This year's theme is “Investment. Innovation. Impact,” and will focus on how best to attract investment to this underfunded sector.

Although 3 billion people around the world still cook on traditional biomass stoves which can adversely affect health, clean cooking is vastly underfunded, accounting for less than 1% of what is needed to achieve SDG 7. Compared to the global need for clean cooking technologies, finance commitments remain minuscule.

About the event

The Clean Cooking Alliance and the Kenya Ministry of Energy will be co-hosted by the Clean Cooking Forum 2019, which will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from November 5-7.  The sector’s flagship event will bring together hundreds of attendees from around the world working to build an inclusive industry that makes clean cooking accessible to the people who live each day without it.

SNV at the event

SNV energy experts Baastian Teune, Rianne Teule and Lynette Korir will give their perspectives on innovative approaches to attract investment into the sector during breakout sessions at the event.

Where and when

  • Paying for Outcomes: what's new and what's coming? This session will take place on Wednesday 6 Nov at 9-10:30

  • Cheaper, Cleaner, and Healthier: How to Stimulate Investments in Institutional Cooking. Will take place Wednesday 6 Nov at 14:30-16:30

On Thursday 7th November,  SNV will take part in a post-forum exchange and learning session which will look at the role of National Alliances in the clean cooking sector transformation. This is the theme of an RVO report which was launched on the 28th of October. The report highlights that the transition to clean cooking in developing countries requires a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, in which alignment and coordination between different actors is key. This report which was collated by SNV can be downloaded here.

More about SNV’s approach to clean cooking