SNV, Rabobank, FtMA and Agri-wallet join forces in ensuring food security in Kenya during COVID-19 pandemic
With the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting agri-food value chains in Africa, an efficient food supply chain is critical. SNV, Rabobank, Rabo Foundation, Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) and Agri-wallet teamed up to support Kenyan farmers and take the pressure off those who are affected most by the pandemic.
Keeping the food chain afloat
Farmers produce less at the moment due to lack of access to inputs, shortage of credit and logistical disruptions. Usually, supply chains run smoothly because short-term loans allow farmers, agro-dealers and small aggregators to pay for inputs and produce before onselling. In the current situation, operations slow down as credit runs out and loans cannot be extended. We aim to maintain food productivity by offering not only financial support but also new and digital ways of working.
Combining expertise for optimal assistance
To help farmers continue their work and successfully play their essential part in the agri-food chain, we decided to join forces through the following actions:
Agri-wallet contributes with an innovative digital fintech platform
Rabobank offers financial expertise
Rabo Foundation provides soft loans to eligible smallholder farmers
SNV provides technical assistance
FtMA ensures that all areas of expertise come together
Digital and financial support
By maintaining food productivity of farmers, we contribute to ensuring food security in Kenya. We focus on supporting the food chain financially as well as digitally:
by targeting funds for agri-finance to ensure liquidity in the food supply chain,
by providing inputs for production of crops and livestock,
by promoting the use of digital mobile service to disburse funds and share information, and
by facilitating access to markets in places where access is restricted.
The objective of the financial support is to maintain food productivity of selected farmers and by doing so, contribute to the food security in Kenya. By introducing and improving digital ways of working, food value chains may even emerge from this pandemic stronger, more secure and better funded than before.
Want to know more or contribute yourself?
This COVID-19 response is implemented through our existing infrastructure. It can be expanded in collaboration with public and private partners. For more information, please contact Ad Rietberg via