SNV signs partnership with the Netherlands Embassy for phase II of its Uganda dairy project
SNV Uganda dairy project TIDE gets extended for another four years from 2020.
SNV Uganda has signed a new partnership agreement with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Uganda, worth €10.4 million to implement Phase II of its dairy project – The Inclusive Dairy Enterprise Project (TIDE). The overall goal of TIDE Phase I was to support farmers increase incomes by improving their dairy productivity. Since its launch in 2015, the TIDE project has contributed to remarkable growth and transformation of Uganda’s dairy sector.
Farmers have invested significantly, co-investing €6 million on their farms to improve production and productivity.
Export value of dairy products has increased from €4.5 million in 2015 to the current €90 million.
Processing capacity has increased from 100,000 litres per day to 1.5 million litres per day.
School milk consumption was introduced with 300,000 pupils now drinking milk at school paid for by their parents.
In the next four years, TIDE Phase II which starts in January 2020 will focus on; deepening and up-scaling results achieved under Phase I.
Under the deepening component, TIDE II will focus on the current TIDE project area (seven districts) in order to increase impact by supporting farmers through dairy advisory, training & extension to reap benefits from the investments made. On the supply side of inputs and services, the focus will shift from market creation to market development: ensuring that the market delivers products and services to dairy farmers that are accessible, relevant, affordable and of high quality.
Up-scaling the relevant products and services developed during phase I beyond the project targeted districts to commercial farmers throughout Uganda (mostly peri-urban Kampala and Rwenzori Region). Private sector companies will be actively supported to market their products and services in those areas (mainly through mobilising technical expertise and networking).
Download the TIDE factsheet for more information