SNV welcomes revival of Ethiopian energy agency

SNV in Ethiopia welcomes the revival of the rural energy nodal agency, Ethiopian Rural Energy Development and Promotion Centre (EREDPC).
Over recent years, SNV has consistently highlighted that the fragmentation of clean cooking activities was creating serious issues around the implementation of clean cooking and other rural energy solutions.
Until the re-establishment of this agency, rural energy particularly clean cooking, was the responsibility of three different ministries. Strengthening the Enabling Environment for the Clean Cooking Sector of Ethiopia Project (SEECCS) which is being implemented by SNV, also underlined that this fragmentation created serious issues around coordination, resource mobilisation and effective implementation of clean cooking and other rural energy solutions such as biogas and off-grid solar electrification. For more than two years the project advocated and lobbied for the establishment of one government nodal agency for all rural energy solutions, including clean cooking projects or programmes in Ethiopia.
These efforts have resulted in the revival of the Ethiopian Rural Energy Development and Promotion Centre (EREDPC). “This development is a critical milestone and a very significant system change in development and promotion of clean cooking and other rural energy solutions in Ethiopia,” said Hiwote Teshome, SEECCS II project Manager. The centre is mandated to create conditions for the development and promotion of rural energy resources and technology. “Having in place strong Rural Energy Nodal Institution is imperative in developing clean cooking in Ethiopia” added Hiwote.
Earlier in 2019, the government through a proclamation designated the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) to revive EREDPC. Consecutively, the SEECCS project was approached by MoMP to facilitate a stakeholders’ workshop in Hawassa, involving all relevant Ministries, regional bureaus, research institutions and development partners. The Hawassa workshop emphasised the relevance of EREDPC to effectively develop the rural energy sector. Subsequently, SNV and MoMP signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the revival and strengthening of this agency.
EREDPC is now being re-established under Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE) with four directorates. This decision regarding the host ministry was reached as a result of close discussions between the relevant ministries. Alsoo, MoWIE has a bigger proportion of rural energy projects/programmes and there is the potential for a broader scope of work if EREDPC became part of MoWIE.

Stakeholder dialogue of rural energy developments in Ethiopia

Checking out some innovations on display
Strengthening Enabling Environment for Clean Cooking Sector (SEECCS) project
The Dutch government agency (RVO) funded Strengthening Enabling Environment for Clean Cooking Sector (SEECCS) project phase I (Dec 2017–Mar 2020) which significantly contributed to many systems change outcomes, including the establishment of the Ethiopian Clean Cooking Alliance (ECCA) and the development and publication of national standards for clean cooking appliances. Institutional support and sector facilitation were major focus areas for the project.
Under SEECCS phase II, which is now a part of the multi-donor and multi-country Energising Development (EnDev) Programme, the project initiated a meeting of the EnDev Ethiopia focal person and the EREDPC Director to discuss strategic priorities and the support required from EnDev Ethiopia (GIZ and SNV). GIZ is the programme manager for EnDev Ethiopia and SNV is implementing the clean cooking enabling environment component.