SNV Kenya

Kenya is ranked 146 on the Human Development Index. SNV has been creating lasting impact for 55 years by driving systems change in agri-food, energy, and water sectors to support sustainable development in local communities.

Ngong Lane, off Ngong Road, 00100, Nairobi, PO Box 30776

Present since1967


Since 1967, SNV has worked across all 47 counties in Kenya to support local communities in pursuing their own sustainable development.

Kenya has a favourable climate and potential for agriculture. SNV supports smallholder farmers to adopt climate-resilient agricultural practices for increased productivity and access to markets. We also work with national and county governments to create an enabling environment for resilient value chains.

Since the independence of Kenya, the energy sector has relied heavily on hydroelectric power for energy generation. SNV works with government institutions, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector to increase the adoption and use of renewable sources of energy. SNV applies a market-based approach to increase energy efficiency and build resilient livelihoods. With energy as an enabler for many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our work contributes to climate change, mitigation, and adaptation

Clean water and sanitation are fundamental requirements for health and well-being and a vital input for all agricultural production. These are also central components in local and global ecosystems. SNV has promoted access to clean water in rural and urban areas for increased sanitation. Our work has expanded to improve water productivity for irrigation.

The success of our projects has been made possible by SNV’s agenda to build local capacity for strong institutions and effective governance. The role of women and youth has also been at the core of gender equality and social inclusion to ensure nobody is left behind.

News and stories from Kenya


Advancing sustainable energy solutions for refugees in Kakuma and Kalobeyei

Man with solar powered fan

Perspective: Exploring the agri-food, energy and water sector nexus

Climate mitigation in Kenya

‘My journey started with challenges that I didn’t know I could overcome.’

A farmer using solar  for irrigation
See all our updates

Meet our team in Kenya

Rebecca Hallam

Rebecca Hallam

Country Director Kenya & Burundi
David Ojwang

David Ojwang

Sector Leader - Agri-Foods Systems
John Ngigi

John Ngigi

Sector Leader - Energy
Regina Maina

Regina Maina

Country Finance Manager

Donors and partners in Kenya

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo
endev logo
IKEA Foundation
GIZ logo
agra logo
Wageningen University and Research (WUR)
CGIAR logo

Want to collaborate with us?

Contact our country office to learn more about activities in Kenya.