NOURISH Tanzania



The project aims to achieve resilient food security for smallholder households in key regions of Tanzania.

Empowering Smallholder Farmers for Food Security and Climate Resilience (NOURISH Tanzania) aims to achieve resilient food security for smallholder households in key regions of Tanzania. The five-year project (2024-2028, funded by Norad) is led by SNV, in partnership with FARM Africa and five local organisations including two local CSOs, RECODA and MIICO.

Tanzania faces persistent food insecurity and malnutrition, especially among smallholder farmers. They produce insufficient quantity and diversity of climate-resilient, nutritious food crops for consumption or sale. Food is not effectively stored or reaching local markets. Gender disparities hinder the role of women, exacerbating structural barriers to nutrition and food security.

The project focuses on two areas, both of which experience food insecurity and malnutrition, but which are distinctly different: the central-northern zone (Singida, Dodoma, Manyara) which suffers from acute food insecurity, and the southern highlands (Songwe, Rukwa) which faces chronic malnutrition.

NOURISH targets smallholder farmer food producers at greatest risk of food security, with emphasis on those with less than two hectares as well as other vulnerable groups. The project also targets MSMEs and farm organisations. With a focus on four high-potential value chains (sorghum, sunflower, common bean, and vegetables), the project will tackle barriers to smallholder farmer food security through three interconnected outcome pathways:

  1. Increased climate-smart and nutrition-sensitive productivity: strengthening smallholder climate-smart agricultural knowledge, access to inputs and finance to produce sufficient quantity and diversity of nutritious food crops.

  2. Increased and diversified food supply to, and accessibility of nutritious food in, local markets: fostering collaborations among market actors, promoting digital solutions, and empowering SHFs and MSMEs.

  3. Improved utilization of household resources to provide nutritious and diverse food: promoting nutritious diets, household food budgeting, and enabling women to have greater influence in HH decisions.

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